(a) Follower motion with Uniform velocity:
(b) Follower motion with modified uniform velocity:
(c) Follower motion with uniform acceleration and retardation (UARM):
(d) Simple Harmonic Motion:
(e) Cycloidal motion:
Mechanical The power of World, Without this there is no life for humans. Technology, Speed, Future etc all depends on Mechanical.In this blog U can get the Technology, Definitions, Notes, Mechanism, Videos and other exciting Things about Mechanical. come here to enjoy the Journey of Mechanical.
(a) Follower motion with Uniform velocity:
(b) Follower motion with modified uniform velocity:
(c) Follower motion with uniform acceleration and retardation (UARM):
(d) Simple Harmonic Motion:
(e) Cycloidal motion:
Quick return mechanisms are used in machine tools such as shapers and power driven saws for the purpose of giving the reciprocating cutting tool a slow cutting stroke and a quick return stroke with a constant angular velocity of the driving crank. Some of the common types of quick return motion mechanisms are discussed below. The ratio of time required for the cutting stroke to the time required for the return stroke is called the time ratio and is greater than unity.
Constrained motion: In a kinematic pair, if one element has got only one definite motion relative to the other, then the motion is called constrained motion.
(a) Completely constrained motion. If the constrained motion is achieved by the pairing elements themselves, then it is called completely constrained motion.
(b) Successfully constrained motion. If constrained motion is not achieved by the pairing elements themselves, but by some other means, then, it is called successfully constrained motion. Eg. Foot step bearing, where shaft is constrained from moving upwards, by its self weight.
(c) Incompletely constrained motion. When relative motion between pairing elements takes place in more than one direction, it is called incompletely constrained motion. Eg. Shaft in a circular hole.
Binary link: Link which is connected to other links at two points.
Ternary link: Link which is connected to other links at three points.
Quaternary link: Link which is connected to other links at four points.
Pairing elements: the geometrical forms by which two members of a mechanism are joined together, so that the relative motion between these two is consistent are known as pairing elements and the pair so formed is called kinematic pair. Each individual link of a mechanism forms a pairing element.
Degrees of freedom (DOF): It is the number of independent coordinates required to describe the position of a body in space.
1. Heat cannot by itself pass from a cold to a hot body.
2. All spontaneous processes are to some extent irreversible and are accompanied by degradation of energy.
3. It is impossible to construct a heat engine that operates continuously in a cycle to produce no effect other than conversion of heat supplied completely into work. This is called Kelvin – Planck statement.
4. It is impossible to construct a heat pump (reverse heat engine) that operates continuously to produce no effect other than transfer of heat from low temperature body to a high temperature body.
Thermodynamic process:
A system in thermodynamic equilibrium is disturbed by imposing some driving force; it undergoes changes to attain a state of new equilibrium. Whatever is happening to the system between these two equilibrium state is called a process. It may be represented by a path which is the locus all the states in between on a p-V diagram as shown in the figure above.
For a system of gas in piston and cylinder arrangement which is in equilibrium, altering pressure on the piston may be driving force which triggers a process shown above in which the volume decreases and pressure increases. This happens until the increasing pressure of the gas equalizes that of the surroundings. If we locate the values of all intermediate states, we get the path on a p-V diagram.
Equilibrium state:
A system is said to be in thermodynamic equilibrium if it satisfies the condition for thermal equilibrium, mechanical equilibrium and also chemical equilibrium. If it is in equilibrium, there are no changes occurring or there is no process taking place.
Thermal equilibrium:
There should not be any temperature difference between different regions or locations within the system. If there are, then there is no way a process of heat transfer does not take place. Uniformity of temperature throughout the system is the requirement for a system to be in thermal equilibrium.
Surroundings and the system may be at different temperatures and still system may be in thermal equilibrium.
Mechanical equilibrium:
There should not be any pressure difference between different regions or locations within the system. If there are, then there is no way a process of work transfer does not take place. Uniformity of pressure throughout the system is the requirement for a system to be in mechanical equilibrium.
Surroundings and the system may be at pressures and still system may be in mechanical equilibrium.
Chemical equilibrium:
There should not be any chemical reaction taking place anywhere in the system, then it is said to be in chemical equilibrium. Uniformity of chemical potential throughout the system is the requirement for a system to be in chemical equilibrium.
Surroundings and the system may have different chemical potential and still system may be in chemical equilibrium.